Hello Koalas Sculpture Trail, Port Macquarie, NSW Australia

Port Macquarie is one of the most sought after retirement and holiday destinations in Australia. On a recent break there, I enjoyed the Hello Koalas Sculptures.

Over 100 sponsors, artists, event partners, suppliers ad media supporters have come together to make Hello Koalas Sculpture Trail, a reality.
50 sculptures at 50 exciting locations!

Port Macquarie on the mid coast of NSW Australia, has the largest coastal population of Koalas in Australia. Port Macquarie is the home of the koala hospital (the only facility of its type in the world) and Billabong Zoo, with its internationally accredited koala breeding program.

Painted Rocks, Port Macquarie

Painted Rocks, Port Macquarie

Painted Rocks, Port Macquarie

Painted rocks on the walk to Port Macquarie

Painted rocks on the walk to Port Macquarie

Painted rocks on the walk to Port Macquarie

Bob Marley seen in Port Macquarie

Feeling Strange in Port Macquarie

List of NSW fish

Surfer's Code

Zebu Restaurant, Port Macquarie

I highly recommend Zebu as the perfect coffee break to your walk to Port Macquarie

For more info, google this! http://hellokoalas.com/


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