Cootamundra Wattle (Mimosa) A favourite down under.

My morning walk is usually spent finding a variety of wildflowers and birds. But, this morning I was attracted to this beautiful Cootamundra Wattle, at the peak of it's flowering season, covered in large soft blossoms. (Wattle is a much loved flower, and adopted as one of Australia's national flowers) Bees were loving it, scurrying in and around the fluffy yellow flowers, attracted mostly to those touched by the sun.

Acacia baileyana (Cootamundra Wattle) is arguably the most beautiful and popular of the Acacia genus. It's large gold blossoms are contrasted with grey-green leaves. It is indigenous to a small area of Southern New South Wales, but it is easily grown and widely cultivated throughout Australia.

Propagation is accomplished with normal seed raising methods, following pre-treating the seeds by soaking in boiling water, or scarification. Propagation from cuttings is also possible.


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