Yellow Birds and Pink Flowers

This morning's little adventure discovered Garigal literally blooming pink. A freezing cold, but dry morning had me rugged up, but still packing my trusty Nikon V1 and my Panasonic movie camera. At last, this morning, I was able to get a shot of the Gerygone, commonly referred to as the bush canary.

I was so busy taking stills of Boronias, that I almost missed him on the track ahead. They're quick and timid. You can probably see that from the shots I took from about 50 metres away.

Bush Canaries (Gerygones) are insectivores which obtain most of their food by gleaning and snatching in the foliage of trees and bushes. They are small, and show little variation in size across their range.

Their songs are described as descending in pitch, and some species are excellent mimics.

The abundance of pink Boronias was a pleasant surprise and by the look of the unopened buds, they'll look great for a few weeks yet.
Boronias generally grow in open forests and woodlands. They are only rarely found in rainforests or arid areas, though some unusual species have recently been described from the northwest of Western Australia.

I hope you enjoy today's video....


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