Brown Thornbill at Garigal National Park

Early morning strolls through the bush have evolved into a bird watching, photo taking expedition. I allow myself about an hour from start to finish and cover about 3kms. I am surprised to find a variety of birds happy in their habitats less than 1km from the road; honeaters, parrots finches, lyrebirds, whip birds and a selection of tint passerines that I can hear, but are yet to see, let alone identify. Here's one though, that I managed to capture this week who flits with lightning speed from undergrowth to treetops in search of insects, The Brown Thornbill

The Brown Thornbill (Acanthiza pusillais) a small bird, but is one of the medium-sized and more common of the thornbills. It has olive-brown to grey upperparts, with a warm reddish-brown forehead scalloped with paler markings. The rump has a reddish-brown patch, the tail is grey-brown with a black band and a pale tip, and the underparts are off-white, streaked blackish on the chin, throat and chest. 


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