An Endangered Species in Garigal National Park

The sign on the path says: "You are entering some of the last known habitat of the endangered Southern Brown Bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus). Once common, this species is now under threat of extinction in the wild and is protected under State and Federal legislation".

At first glance this animal is a bit rat-like, but it's not a rodent. This marsupial is mostly nocturnal, foraging at night for insects, worms, spiders, fruit, seed and some types of fungi in the soil, During the day, it sleeps in a nest lined with vegetation on the ground.

An artists impression of The Southern Brown Bandicoot in its natural environment

The Southern Brown Bandicoot is only one of the many species of fauna and flora inhabiting Garigal Bushland. Lizards, snakes, wallabies and other marsupials exist here alongside a myriad of birdsIn many areas of its range, the species is threatened but may be locally common where rainfall is high enough and vegetation cover is thick enough. The baiting of the European Red Fox has been carried out in Garigal in the hope of assisting a comeback for the Bandicoot.

This video is a short 30 sec visit through it's natural habitat. The animal shown is an artists representation.


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