Col Joye Sings Songs That Rocked The Stadium. (LP Cover in Detail)

What a great find! "Col Joye Sings Songs That Rocked The Stadium" The Stadium was the hub of Australian and overseas music legends of the 50's. Sydneysiders will remember most of these tracks; Pretty Girls Everywhere, • Dreamy Eyes, • The Wonder Of You, • Half As Much, • Lover Doll, • Oh Yeah Uh Huh, • The Bluebird, The Buzzard and The Oriole, • Rockin' Rollin" Clementine, • Say Momma, • Rocky Road Blues, • Living Doll, • Trouble Very rare VINYL LP Record SHOP NOW "Col Joye has hit Australia with an impact equalled by only a few world famous artists. The group started with Col Joye, Guitar and vocal: Kevin Jacobsen piano: John Bogie, drums. They played at parties, weddings, etc. and Col always brought the house down with a song. Col was working at a jewellery warehouse at the time a young fellow staff. His name was Dave Bridge, and he’d been playing guitar since his ninth birt...