JOHNNY O'KEEFE "Real Wild Child" (LP Cover In Detail).

Front Cover Download Hi Res Image JOHNNY O'KEEFE Bill Haley and The Comets were a huge influence on the rise of a "Real Wild Child" "Johnny O'Keefe was a young man of music who wrote Show-World" history right across the Commonwealth of Australia " . It's difficult to describe Johnny's many talents an artist, producer, composer, compere and later Australia's No.1 TV personality. Just what made Johnny tick and what was the secret of his effervescent success? Johnny's story goes back to the momentous days when Bill Haley introduced Rock and Rollto Australia by his triumphant tour in 1957. In those days Johnny was just another up and going pop artist, but even then, dispensing the kind of music that caused teenagers to attend his dances in droves" source: back cover 1. Rock Time 2. Shake Baby Shake 3. That'll Be Alright 4. I Ain't Gonna Do It 5. Ready For You 6. Don't You Know 7. You Excite Me 8. I'm Still Ali...