Peacock Spiders

A four millimetre spider hiding in the undergrowth is the sort of thing the average Sydney bushwalker would pass right by. But not this man. Dr Jurgen Otto has a very keen eye for small things. "When I walk around the bush I usually don't look into the trees, I usually look on the ground. There was a spider that just looked different to other spiders I'd seen before so I was very curious...and I took a couple of photos". Dr Otto has become enamoured with these tiny jumping spiders, as I'm sure anybody will who is interested in wildlife. Jurgen Otto says on his Facebook Page... "This is a clip that appeared recently on the UK Discovery channel. It gives you a little glimpse into the "world" I retreat to after coming home from work, a world of dirt, litter and sticks but full of beauty and drama, in which the guys look pretty and the girls are barely noticeable, and flirting with the wrong girl gets you killed. A world that is so different from ...