Propagating Grevilleas

Further to my article on Australian Grevilleas, today I have included a link to
Propagation of Grevilleas from Gardening Australia.

Also, from Wikipedia...
Many species of grevilleas are popular garden plants, especially in Australia but also in other temperate and subtropical climates. Many grevilleas have a propensity to interbreed freely, and extensive hybridisation and selection of horticulturally desirable attributes has led to the commercial release of many named Grevillea cultivars. Among the best known are Grevillea 'Robyn Gordon', a small shrub up to 1.5 m (5 ft) high and wide which can flower 12 months of the year in subtropical climates. The cultivar 'Canberra Gem' has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.[3]
They can be grown from soft tip cuttings from December-March (in the Southern Hemisphere) or seed. Many harder-to-grow species can be grafted onto hardy rootstock such as Grevillea robusta.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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