SPECIAL EDITION - Country Textures

Corrugated Iron - We Love it! Australians used corrugated iron as the ideal roofing material in the early days, but since then it's become part of our fabric. Looking through a few pics I took in and around Gulgong NSW , it popped up everywhere. (Now, I have this great idea for a coffee table book on the uses of corrugated iron. The cover could be made of......well maybe not) Seen in Milthorpe NSW Seen in Milthorpe NSW Seen in Milthorpe NSW . Some of Australia's country towns are heritage protected, and as a result the paintwork and structures still hold the character of the 1800's. Milthorpe NSW Milthorpe NSW Here are some some wonderful textures I found on the walls, windows and doors of this old building in Mudgee NSW. What amazed me was the lack of graffiti on these pristine, decades old surfaces, which, I think have grown old, very gracefully. Mudgee NSW Mudgee NSW Mudgee NSW Mudgee NSW Mudgee NSW Mudgee NSW At this time of the year (Winter) in Australia, The wild fl...