JUNE 2012, VOL 1 Mudgee - The Garden Of Oz
_________ Featured Video _________
_______ An Inspiring Trip To Mudgee _______
The first thing I noticed, on a recent drive out to Mudgee, was the amazing sepia colours of the landscape after passing through Lithgow. The winter grass was a distinct light straw colour in the foreground, turning to a darker brown in the distance. I promised myself I would get out the watercolours when I got home from this two day trip.
Mudgee has continued to evolve into a contemporary town, while still retaining the look of it's past. This is mainly due to an influx of young families over the past ten or so years, and it's reputation as a successful wine region. I'm looking forward to an interesting and inspiring couple of days here.
_____ The Mudgee Homestead Guesthouse _____
The Mudgee Homestead Guesthouse sits comfortably on a hillside just steep enough to afford sweeping views of the Mudgee Landscape. It is Australian Federation Style, and painted in federation colours of deep cream and dark leaf green.
A wide verandah surrounds the entire homestead
The entrance is a promise of things to come, immaculately furnished in authentic Australian design; stained glass and a beautiful writing desk.

The entrance is a promise of things to come, immaculately furnished in authentic Australian design.; stained glass and a beautiful writing desk.
We knew our short stay was going to be a memorable one, and it was.
Mudgee and Gulgong NSW are only 30kms (18 Miles) apart but the styles are quite different.

A wide verandah surrounds the entire homestead
The entrance is a promise of things to come, immaculately furnished in authentic Australian design; stained glass and a beautiful writing desk.
The entrance is a promise of things to come, immaculately furnished in authentic Australian design.; stained glass and a beautiful writing desk.
We knew our short stay was going to be a memorable one, and it was.
The Mudgee Homestead Guesthouse
3 Coorumbene Court (P.O. Box 606)
Mudgee NSW 2850
Ph: 02 6373-3786
Fax: 02 6373-3086
Email: welcome@mudgeehomestead.com.au
3 Coorumbene Court (P.O. Box 606)
Mudgee NSW 2850
Ph: 02 6373-3786
Fax: 02 6373-3086
Email: welcome@mudgeehomestead.com.au
______ From Mudgee To Gulgong ______
Mudgee and Gulgong NSW are only 30kms (18 Miles) apart but the styles are quite different.

There are many renowned artists and musicians living here and enjoying the village atmosphere.

Gulgong has retained the charm of the gold rush days, and is now heritage listed. It's history is built on gold prospecting and today's tourists are attracted to it's unspoilt originality and it's museums.

While Mudgee is a go ahead town renowned for its wineries. Gulgong's appeal is in its picturesque old buildings and homes.
It's a popular destination for tourists, who visit the forty or so wineries operating in the district.The district also produces cattle, sheep, lucerne, olives, fruit, tomatoes, wheat,corn, honey and dairy products.

The drive to Gulgong should only take 30 minutes. I took longer.
There's lots of birds, wildlife and scenery to see along the way.

It's a popular destination for tourists, who visit the forty or so wineries operating in the district.The district also produces cattle, sheep, lucerne, olives, fruit, tomatoes, wheat,corn, honey and dairy products.

The drive to Gulgong should only take 30 minutes. I took longer.
There's lots of birds, wildlife and scenery to see along the way.
_________ Time For A Nightcap _________
Back at the Mudgee Homestead Guesthouse after an afternoon at Gulgong, we were met by a scene from "On Golden Pond".

A Sherry by the fire sounds like a great idea...

And then to bed. Heading back to Sydney in the morning, but what a great couple of days.

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