Australia's Elvis Presley, BARRY STANTON. "A Tribute To The King" LP Cover In Detail.

Very rare VINYL LP Record SHOP NOW Australia's Elvis Presley, BARRY STANTON. "A Tribute To The King" "Barry Stanton stands proud in the history of Australian Rock 'N Roll, alongside legendary names like Johnny O'Keefe, Col Joye, Johnny Devlin and Lonnie Lee. The amazing fact is that he staked a claim with only 8 singles released over 5 years (1960 - 1965). Like a lot of his fellow performers, it did not earn him the riches he deserved, nor the respect that should have come from the industry" - source: back cover "He's my most remarkable discovery. I think he has enormous potential - potential second to none. And I'm not joking" JOHNNY O'KEEFE The covers are presented here in high resolution so that photographs are clear and copy is legible. If you wish to download these images, a link is provided beneath each image. If You wish to purchase a copy of this album, follow this link: SHOP HERE Back cover and inside spread both featu...