Jeff Phillips - Wrote for Jermaine Jackson and Yvonne Elliman

Jeff Phillips was born in Perth WA. Lots of family singalongs kickstarted his love of music. At 7 years of age, he fell in love with Rock and Roll and learnt to play guitar. So began his career in show biz. During his school years, his determination to be a singer persisted. He attended University and studied Economics, which only served to reinforce his plans for singing and songwriting. Jeff got a great break appearing on "In Perth Tonight" where he sang Elvis Presley's "Puppet on a String" and Billy Thorpe's "Broken Strings". As a result, Graham Kennedy invited him to appear on " In Melbourne Tonight" . He returned to Perth to finish school and then drove back to Melbourne, across the Nullabor in his trusty VW, looking for another taste of those exciting TV appearances. Melbourne had a new show called "New Faces" . He was asked to enter. Never one to say no, he entered, sang "Dreams Of The Everyday Housewife...