As I started writing this morning, I glanced out of my office window and saw a male King Parrot arrive at the bird feeder. I try to keep up a nectar mixture with soaked bread, surrounded by sunflower seeds and parrot seed mix. Lorikeets arrived soon after and it was time for him to go. The Australian King Parrot ( Alisterus scapularis) is native to Eastern Australia. It Inhabits forested regions, eucalyptus wooded ares and rainforests, feeding on insects, seeds and fruits. The Rainbow Lorikeet The Rainbow Lorikeet, (Trichoglossus haematodus), inhabits rainforest, coastal woodlands and bush areas. They feed mainly on fruit and nectar and have a unique brush tongue to more easily collect nectar and pollen from flowers. Here, he uses that tongue to drink a sweet syrup and soaked bread mixture. Now that Spring has arrived, there's plenty of activity in my back garden, in and around the bird feeder. My garden from an upstairs window (where I work on my blogs about frogs). Here's ...