Creetcha Storybook Illustrations


He stood up smiling
with muddy knees and dripping net
he gazed into the bowl.

Hidden in the sludge
a creature writhed against the glass
frightened eyes staring.


Squinting at the track,
 his grubby fingers combed red hair.
A long walk home began.

He loved the tangled scrub, 
 bush, trees, animals within,
and sky which held such movement.

He wondered at the blue.
Saw fins of stars and tails of mist
gliding past the clouds.

There were fish up there. 
Up way beyond the dark grey air.
He was sure of it.

The boy's room was dim
the creature gazed out of a bowl
the eager boy peered back

The day had spent them. 
staring stopped and eyes closed.
just a bubble popped.
